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Division 1

Professional work:Hiring of Teachers and Researchers,Salary Review,Promotion... 

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        Professional work


  • Oversees Human Affairs Department Office 1 operations
  • Facilitates the establishment of a channel for reviewing and deliberating matters
  • Other ad hoc tasks



  • Compiles organizational rules and workforce size information
  • Manages the employee count for teaching and research staff (including the E.Sun Program and endowed lecturers)
  • Oversees the appointment and reappointment of the school president; coordinates the appointment and reappointment of the principal for the affiliated middle and elementary schools
  • Oversees the appointment of teaching and research staff positions, subsequent promotions and other related matters, as well as matters involving academic ethics or other legal affairs related to projects or operations
  • Oversees the appointment of teachers, salary increases and subsequent promotions (and other related matters), the submission of documents for approval as well as matters involving academic ethics (for the College of Commerce and College of Education)
  • Manages the operations of Human Affairs Office 1; manages the collection, organization and summary of annual work plans and personnel performance appraisals for Office 1
  • Other ad hoc tasks


  • Manages teaching and research staff performance appraisals, probationary promotions and other related matters
  • Oversees part-time teaching and research staff reemployment (including off campus contract employment) as well as part-time special teaching appointments
  • Manages honorary professor appointments, performs unpaid job consultation, coordinates visiting research fellow appointments
  • Manages the production and issuance of Occupational Badges for concurrent teachers and supervisors
  • Other ad hoc tasks


  • Oversees teaching and research staff appointments, salary increases and subsequent promotions (and other related matters), the submission of documents for approval as well as matters involving academic ethics (for the College Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Informatics, Physical Education Office and the Research Center)
  • Manages full time teaching and research staff contract extensions and salary increases, as well as unqualified teacher assessments
  • Oversees teaching and research staff appointments, salary increases and related matters, as well as the collection and handling of official documents and decrees
  • Oversees the operations of the School Teacher Evaluation Committee
  • Other ad hoc tasks


  • Oversees the appointment and reappointment of the Dean, Department Heads as well as teaching and research staff concurrently serving as Academic Administrative Director
  • Oversees teaching appointments, salary increases and promotions (and other related matters), the submission of documents for approval, as well as matters involving academic ethics (for the College of Foreign Languages and Literature and the College of Communication)
  • Handles the HR affairs of Elementary School Teachers, Teaching assistants and related positions
  • Oversees the election of representatives for school administrative and executive affairs meetings
  • Other ad hoc tasks


  • Oversees the appointment of lecture professors and specially appointed professors
  • Manages the hiring of teachers, salary increases and subsequent promotions (and other related matters), the submission of documents for approval, as well as matters involving academic ethics (including teacher appointment digitization) (for the College of Social Sciences, College of Law, College of International Affairs and the International College of Innovation)
  • Manages and coordinates part-time teaching and research staff positions (for School President and the College of Commerce) as well as employee secondments
  • Assists in the appointment and re-appointment of school President
  • Other ad hoc tasks


  • Oversees the appointment of Dean for each college
  • Manages part-time teaching positions (for the College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Law, College of Foreign Language and Literature, College of Communication, College of International Affairs, College of Education, International College of Innovation, College of Informatics, Physical Education Office and the Research Center
  • Manages on and off campus concurrent teaching positions for teaching and research staff, as well as teacher substitution affairs
  • Manages foreign personnel work permit and special permit processes
  • Other ad hoc tasks